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    Interview with Chrissy Grigoropoulos (@chrissygofficial)

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    Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path? 

    A family member facing an arson charge prompted a career where I could “fight all day &make a lot of money”; at age of 8 I decided, “I like to fight, I want to be a lawyer”. As a 1st generation Greek & the first to complete college, I was on my own to explore uncharted territory.

    I became a matriarchal figure by graduating HS at 16, College at 19 & when emergencies would arise (legal or not) the fires were on me to extinguish. At age 21, I chose one of the most competitive law schools in the US, where, unfortunately, most of my peers didn’t believe in the young girl from New York. My 1st year of Law School was a struggle; I was petrified of failure. Rumors would arise that I’d been dismissed or dropped out when I went home to visit, amid these situations; growth.

    I ultimately relished the role of the underdog; graduating law school, passing the NY Bar at the first attempt, working at top NY firms & now owning a multiple-location law group; all which once seemed unattainable. I refused to fail & I had one motivational quote I’d tape to my workstation as a forever reminder to push harder when exhausted or homesick; “How bad do you want this?”

    I attribute my success to my indomitable will to do what I said I was going to do; finish law school, conquer ignorant misconceptions, and become a successful entrepreneur! I’m the prime example of what happens when you don’t submit to societal norms. There’ll always be negative people telling you that you cannot accomplish something; ignore them, use their energy to push yourself harder!

    Today, I still “like to fight all day”, but more importantly, I continue advocating for clients injured in catastrophic accidents, whose voices would otherwise go unheard. Despite still being stereotyped at times, I’m deferred to by veteran attorneys, some of whom I employ. I have been honored as a recipient of numerous attorney awards and I speak Greek & Spanish to accommodate my clients.

    A requisite for success is persistence; you’re going to want to give up, don’t! Persistence & hard work is rewarded; if it was easy then everyone would do it!

    -Chrissy Grigoropoulos, Esq., The Grigoropoulos Law Group PLLC

    Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started doing this?

    Due to attorney-client confidentiality details cannot be fully discussed but with a shark attitude, I have to say there were many times that I have attended court thinking that I was going to “go home” empty-handed but actually surprised myself and had the ability to make my clients very happy even with odds against us!

    Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”? 

    When first opening my practice in late 2016 and through the first 3 years I worked 15-20 hour days with no days off! I would write on a piece of paper and tape it in front of my work station saying “how badly do you want this?” Although I don’t recommend this work practice because burning out is inevitable, time management and listening to your body is key. If you are reading the same sentence over and over.. go to sleep and resume once you’ve had rest!

    None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

    I have had many colleagues and mentors give me support throughout my legal career, however first and foremost I would have to thank God. It may sound cliché but without God nothing is possible and even in our weakest moments if we close our eyes, dig deep inside, God will always give us the strength to go on even in the absence of anyone else’s support! I am also very lucky to have parents who have always been supportive of all my business ventures big or small!

    How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world? 

    I believe in helping those less fortunate in any way possible! Sometimes monetary means of support can make a positive impact and in other instances, I perform pro bono legal work and donating time to bring goodness to the world!

    Do you have a favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share a story of how that was relevant to you in your life?

    A requisite for success is persistence; you’re going to want to give up, don’t! Persistence & hard work is rewarded; if it was easy then everyone would do it!

    How can our readers follow you on social media? 

    @Chrissygofficial     @grigorlawgroup.

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